CPCA Meetings

Our next meeting will be February 28, 2024.  Please join us at 6:30PM at

Cortez High School for our next meeting.

We strive to provide informative meetings.  Here we list
some recent meetings with topics and speakers.

Cactus Park Community Alliance and Cactus Park Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol hold joint meetings.

Note that at ALL meetings include:

  • Representative(s) of our precinct including our Precinct Commander and CAO’s to provide a crime update and address any questions or issues you may have.
  • Representative(s) from our City Council District 1 (Ann O’Brien) office to provide information on city programs and issues.
  • Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol (P.N.P.) updates and topics important to your participation in the program.

October 2024

We received our Council District 1 Update from Councilwoman O’Brien.  Ann told us about pending city regulations regarding shopping carts, updates from the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, and that Red Light and Speed cameras will be reinstalled in Phoenix in the near future at dangerous intersections.

Sgt. Lynch of the CAO Squad related recent arrests in the Precinct and how the RTOC (Real Time Crime Center) helped track suspects.

Our guest this evening was Attorney Andrew Marcantel, a criminal defense attorney with the Law Firm, Attorneys for Freedom.

He discussed rights and responsibilities of citizens when approached, contacted and/or otherwise encountered by the Police…whether it be through a traffic stop, incident investigation, incidental contact, or being criminally accused, or as a victim of a crime.  It was a very informative session and everyone in attendance agreed this is good information for all.

  We hope to have additional information and links from our meeting here shortly.

September 2024

We received our Council District 1 Update from Councilwoman O’Brien.  Our Precinct Commander and Lt. Cain talked about crime in our precinct and some of their successes.  We also talked about how we can mitigate crime around our neighborhoods.

The Phoenix ToolBank introduced themselves to us. The Phoenix Community ToolBank is a nonprofit tool lending program that provides organizations access to an inventory of tools for use in volunteer and community benefit projects. We provide tools to enhance the charitable sector’s capacity to serve, facilitating volunteerism in Phoenix.  Visit their website at PhoenixToolBank.org.

May 2024

The current grant year is the first time we have been able to provide food during our events.  We brought in 11 pizza’s, salad, and wings from Barro’s for dinner.  We heard from Councilwoman O’Brien and received a precinct crime update from Lt. Cain.


Detective Kornegay (Citywide PNP Coordinator) presented Sandi Strand with PVSA awards that were not available at the PNP Luncheon.  (5/4/2024).


City of Phoenix Parks & Recreation Northwest District Supervisor Stacia Holmes (at left) provided an extensive overview of current status and future plans for city parks large & small.  Stacia answered questions from the Community and talked about efforts to mitigate crime in our parks.  She invited everyone to visit the website: parksmasterplanphx.com/ to learn more.  Stacia also provided the QR code at left if you want to learn more. 


Our Crime Prevention / Safety item distribution saw each meeting attendee receive a “Prepared Hero” Fire Blanket.  These were purchased with our Neighborhood Block Watch Grant funds.

April 2024

At Our April Meeting our CAO’s were available for you as usual from 6PM until call to order at 6:30.  We also heard from Councilwoman O’Brien and received a precinct crime update from Lt. Cain.

Our City Arts & Culture staff updated us on  progress on the art for the new Cortez Park Well 317 which is situated in Cortez Park.

Phoenix Deputy Director of Homeless Solutions Scott Hall (at left) then provided us with a bunch of good info on what the City is doing to help reduce the number of homeless and get those remaining on the street housing and other types of assistance.  Scott can be reached at 602-534-0547 or scott.hall@phoenix.gov.

Cable locks were distributed to all attendees as part of our crimreduction efforts.  These were purchased with our Neighborhood Block Watch Grant funds.

March 2024

Our March 27 meeting returned us to our usual meeting spot… the Conference Room at Cortez High School.

Councilwoman O’Brien spoke about the upcoming Phoenix Budget Meetings and how we can take part in the decision-making process.  She also had other news from around the city and in our district.

Our headline speaker this evening was ASU’s  Stefanie Calens.   Stefanie is the  the Community Engagement Liaison for ASU’s Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research.  She was assisted by Seargent Walters from the Phoenix Police Department’s H.E.A.T. (Human Exploitation and Trafficking) Unit.  They educated us on the state of Human Trafficking and took our questions afterward.

February 2024

Our February 28 was held in the Library at Cortez High School

Councilwoman O’Brien spoke about events around the city and in District 1.

Our headline speaker this evening was Phoenix Park Ranger  Chris Kunszt.  He spoke about the duties of a Phoenix Park Ranger and some of the situations and people he encounters.  

January 2024

Our January 24 meeting returned us to our regular format.  CPCA Board elections were held.  The four directors whose term was ending were reelected and a new Board member accepted a position via write-in.

Councilwoman O’Brien spoke about a budget shortfall soon facing the city due to actions by the State Legislature.  She invited all to the district meeting on Jan 29th which will include a presentation by the City on the state of the DOJ investigations.

Our headline speaker this evening was Valley Metro’s Outreach Director Michael Book.  The Grand Opening of the Northwest Extension of light rail to the Thelda Williams transit center is this Saturday.  Michael shared a presentation including construction progress and art which has been deployed along the new section.  His presentation is available HERE as a PDF document.  

December 2023

Our December 6 meeting was envisioned and operated as a “Holiday Meet & Greet”.  The CPCA supplied sandwiches and drinks.  35 Community members came to socialize and enjoy a relaxed time with each other.

Upcoming PNP training and events around the precinct were discussed.  Greg from the Council District 1 provided updates from Ann O’Brien’s office.

October 2023

District 1 Councilwoman Ann O’Brien spoke regarding events facing the city and specifically our district.  Our precinct CAO’s talked about recent crimes in the precinct and ways we can help prevent crimes around our neighborhoods.

The featured speakers this evening were Howard Steere & Ximena Atterbury.

Our speakers talked about future development of mass and surface transportation in our area.  Many questions were posed and discussion ensued regarding crime abatement after projects are completed as well as what is being done presently to suppress crime and make travel safer in the present day forms such as light rail and buses.

Upcoming PNP training and events around the precinct were discussed.

September 2023

District 1 Councilwoman Ann O’Brien spoke regarding events facing the city and specifically our district.  Lt. Cain talked about recent crimes in the precinct and ways we can help prevent crimes around our neighborhoods.

The featured speaker this evening was City of Phoenix Office of Arts & Culture Senior Manager Mojgan Vahabzadeh.  Artist John Randall Nelson spoke regarding designs for the new City Water Department Well 317 at Cortez Park. (https://phoenix.gov/arts)

Upcoming PNP training and events around the precinct were discussed.

May 2023

District 1 Councilwoman Ann O’Brien spoke regarding events facing the city and specifically our district.  Lt. Cain talked about recent crimes in the precinct and ways we can help prevent crimes around our neighborhoods.

Our featured speaker this evening was City of Phoenix Homeless Liaison Stefanie Greenleaf talked to us about homeless programs and solutions being developed by the city. This includes dealing with the homeless and the kinds of crime they may become involved in.

April 2023

Johnny Mendoza from the City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services talked to us about the many services NSD offers.  Johnny also took a large number of questions from the Community from a variety of topics including blight, solid waste, and more.

March 2023

Phoenix Fire Department Battalion Chief Jerry Sharp and Captain Ryan Holtorf visited us this meeting and spoke about general Fire Department operations and lockboxes available through District 1 for disabled / elderly households where FD may need access when no one is able to provide it.  They also spoke of ways we can stay safer in our homes.

February 2023

At our February 2023 meeting, Councilwoman Ann O’Brien updated us on events in the city.  We also heard from Cactus Park Precinct Commander Hein and Lt. Cain.

Our guest speaker was Tracy Kovach, (shown at left) the Outreach Director of the New Freedom behavioral health facility which is the old Sheraton Hotel on the Northeast corner of I-17 and Peoria.

New Freedom is an intensive 90-day program for recently released inmates.  They provide all basic needs where members are given the tools needed to begin executing plans for their future.

Tracy pointed out that New Freedom was NOT a drug rehab program and in fact no drugs (including methadone) are allowed on the campus.

On March 20, CPCA leadership toured the facility and were quite impressed with what they do and how they do it.  For more information please go to https://newfreedomaz.com/

January 2023

Our first meeting of 2023 was held on January 25th.   Councilwoman Ann O’Brien spoke to us about events in the city including that the final hurdle to the Metrocenter re-vitalization project and sale to new buyers had been cleared and the property will begin to undergo renovation soon.  Only the storage facility and Walmart will remain once demolition is complete.  New Cactus Park Precinct Commander Hein was welcomed and Precinct Resource Lt. Cain filled us in on recent squad activities and arrests.


Our topic this evening was Situational Awareness. Joan Campbell of the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office presented to us on things we need to think about to keep us safe in this day and age.  Her presentation (minus video’s) can be found HERE. 

Crime Prevention items were distributed to many and everyone was provided with a CPCA tumbler.that

November 2022

Our October meeting was postponed as our meeting room was being utilized by others.  We rescheduled it and on Wednesday, November 16.  Councilwoman Ann O’Brien spoke to us about events in the city including passage of initiatives for additional security for our city parks and that the final hurdle to the Metrocenter re-vitalization project had been cleared.  Cactus Park Precinct Commander Wickers apologized for the CAO Squad being late to the meeting.  Sgt. Reeson detailed how the squad had just a couple hours earlier in conjunction with the NET Squad, apprehended several burglary suspects less than a mile from our meeting location.


Our topic this evening was biohazards from crime scenes and other events.  BioteamAZ’s Kristie Reeves and Matthew McFarlane detailed what happens when they are contacted, the steps taken to secure the scene and begin clean-up efforts.  They provided resources for the community and distributed an informational pamphlet which is available for you to download HERE.  Thank you, Kristie and Matthew, for a very engaging and informative meeting.

Crime Prevention and Safety items purchased with our grants were distributed.  Everyone attending left with a doorstop alarm.

September 2022

Our first meeting after summer break was on Wednesday, September 28.  Councilwoman Ann O’Brien spoke to us about current events in the city including progress on the General Obligation (GO) bonds, and other topics of importance.  Cactus Park Precinct Commander Wickers reviewed recent crime trends and notable arrests.  It was very good to see our Community Action Squad once again.


Our topic this evening was the Gated Alley program.  Sharing his knowledge was Program Manager Greg Gonzales.  Flyers were provided to everyone.  Applications were available in the info stand.

Crime Prevention and Safety items purchased with our grants were distributed.  Everyone attending left with a night-time interior motion light to enhance safety in the home.

May 2022

Our May 2022 meeting at Cortez High School saw many City departments represented.  Cactus Park Precinct Resource Lt. Cain provided an update on recent activities and outreach efforts.  Some of these are mentioned on our blotter page.  Neighborhood Services Department Director Spencer Self (top pix) spoke on the mission and scope of NSD.  Greg Gonzales and new NSD specialist Eddie Limon also addressed concerns of the Community.  Lisa Huggins-Hubbard (bottom pix) contributed to the discussion as well.


This was the final meeting for several of our CAO’s who are either returning to patrol duties or being reassigned to other precincts under the rebid process.  We wish you the best and We will truly miss you.


Our main speakers shared time with the Community. Deputy City Manager Gina Montes provided information on the City’s 27th Avenue Crime Reduction efforts.  Assistant City Attorney Jay Chapman presented on the responsibilities and scope of the City Attorney’s office.



Stan and John shared news about a June meeting with the US-DOJ.  This meeting is still in the initial planning stages and more information will be available on the website shortly.

Crime prevention and safety items were distributed to the Community at the end of the meeting.

April 2022

Attending our April 2022 meeting was District 1 Councilwoman Ann O’Brien who updated us on many things going on in the District and City-Wide.  Acting Precinct Commander Cain also gave us information on crime in our precinct and law-enforcements efforts to reduce it and hold criminals responsible.

We learned a lot about recent efforts to enhance neighborhoods and reduce crime and blight from Violence Impact Program (VIP) leader Jeff Spellman. (left)  Jeff gave us an abundance of information on these projects and introduced us to ways we can contribute to ensuring entities adhere to promises made when contracting with our neighborhoods and/or the City.

Crime prevention and safety items were distributed to the Community at the end of the meeting.


Some folks asked for more information during the meeting.  Jeff has forwarded these links for you.  

Thanks Jeff !!

March 2022

On March 22 we had our once annually joint meeting with the Phoenix Block Watch Advisory BoardCouncil District 1 Chief of Staff Derrik Rochwalik spoke of events upcoming in District 1 and city-wide.  Cactus Park Precinct Commander Bill Wickers reviewed crime in the precinct and the recent ambushes on police officers along with a little background on the ongoing investigations.


Our headline speaker was Phoenix Streets Department Director Kini Knudson.  Mr. Knudson reviewed the Phoenix Road Safety Action Plan including crash statistics and plans for Phoenix to achieve it’s Vision Zero Strategy which aims to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries.  He answered myriad questions from meeting attendees.

February 2022

Our meeting on February 22 saw both Council Districts 1 and 5 represented.  District 1 Councilwoman Ann O’Brien and District 5 Councilwoman Betty Guardado (shown at left) provided updates on activities in their respective districts.  Precinct Commander Wickers then updated us on crime in the precinct including a recent apprehension of a suspect and a huge quantity of Fentanyl pills, cash and guns.  

Our main topic this evening was the recent passage by City Council of the 27th Avenue Corridor Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan with over $5 million of funding.  Councilwoman Betty Guardado whose District 5 encompasses much of the plan area spoke to us about the measure and ways the city will help residents and businesses in the 27th Avenue Corridor.

January 2022

Attending our January 2022 meeting was District 1 Councilwoman Ann O’Brien who updated us on many things going on in the District and City-Wide.  Precinct Commander Wickers also gave us information on crime in our precinct and law-enforcements efforts to reduce it and hold criminals responsible.


Our main topic this evening was CPTED.  That stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental DesignPhoenix PD Detective Brian Kornegay gave us an excellent overview of how we can make our properties less desirable to thieves and other criminals by eliminating objects that would actually help them break in and methods we can use to make things more difficult for them.  He provided us with a Home Security Checklist which you can download HERE.  If you are interested in viewing his presentation slides, click HERE.

October 2021

Our agenda this evening was packed with information.  Phoenix Council District 1 Councilwoman Ann O’Brien provided updates for the City.  Then CAO Sgt. Mayra Reesen discussed Crime and recent trends and PD activity in the precinct.  Sgt Scott Stout from the office of Chief Jeri Williams spoke regarding the DOJ investigation currently ongoing on Phoenix PD practices.


City of Phoenix Economic Development Program Manager Lisa Huggins-Hubbard educated the Community on Phoenix C.A.R.E.S. and how citizens can help identify those who could benefit from services provided by the City and other organizations.  Dustin Datt from Q.T. spoke about recent changes underway in their stores along the I-17 corridor to help discourage transients from loitering on their properties.

PNP Members who were actively patrolling in our precinct were provided with Voice Recorders pruchased via the PNP Grant to enhance their reporting capabilities.

NBWG Grant Purchased Crime Prevention/Safety items were distributed to all who attended.

September 2021

This evening we were joined by Derrik Rochwalik from the City Council District 1 office who spoke to events occurring in our District.  Bexxy Aguilera told us about Parks & Rec events including the upcoming Boo Fest.


Detectives from the Phoenix Police Department Sex Offender Notification Squad informed us about the various levels of Sex Offenders and when citizens and neighborhoods would be notified about their presence.  They took questions from the Community.


Our PNP Rep Stan Bates spoke of PNP Radar Activities, provided announcements of upcoming events and encouraged any interested Community member to attend upcoming PNP Training classes.

May 2021

There were several agenda items of interest to all.

  1. The new Council District 1 staff introduced themselves and spoke about priorities for Councilwoman O’Brien.  They also answered questions from Community members ranging from recent City and State Legislation to the reopening of schools in the fall and mask requirements.  Thank You to Yvette Roeder and Derrik Rochwalik for the discussion and information.  You can reach Yvonne, Derrik, and Councilwoman Ann O’Brien by emailing council.district.1@phoenix.gov
  2. We received a Parks & Recreation update from Bexxy Aguilera, City of Phoenix Parks & Rec Coordinator for the Beuf Recreation and Community Center.
  3. An update from our Community Action Officers (CAO’s) on law enforcement activities within our precinct.
  4. A very engaging presentation from Joan Campbell of the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office on Travel Scams.  Several of you asked to be able to view the presentation on your own and at your leisure.  You can find it HERE in PDF format.  It will open in a new browser tab.  If you wish to save it for future viewing, right click on and choose “Save” or “Save As”.  It will be stored on your own device for retrieval whenever convenient for you.

April 2021

Our presentation this evening was by Jesus Haro, an Emergency Services Planner from the Maricopa County Department of Emergency Management.  Mr. Haro shared a presentation with our Community.  He explained the purpose of emergency management, provided information on leadership including from both County and City of Phoenix, reviewed the phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.  He spoke of natural hazards, dangers of the heat of our desert summer, wildfire safety and many other topics.

His slides for this informative session can be found HERE.

March 2021

Our speaker this evening was Special Agent Tazden Starnes, from the U.S Department of Homeland Security Investigations Unit.  Agent Starnes spoke to many I.C.E. issues including what types of issues and investigations fall to his office and how those are handled.  International money laundering, sale of weapons to sanctioned countries, financial crimes and many others.  Also discussed was the global reach of CBP/ICE and they have 7100 agents in 220 cities around the US and 80 offices in 53 countries.

February 2021


Our honored guest this evening was District 1 Councilwoman and Vice-Mayor Thelda Williams.  She spoke of her many years on the Council and some of the challenges she has faced as she prepares to retire from public service in April this year. 

She also provided updates of current issues facing the City and District 1.  She said she appreciates Cactus Park Community Alliance and Cactus Park Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol for the service provided to our Precinct.  Leaders of CPCA and CP-PNP thanked her as well for her support over the years.

January 2021

Our headline speaker this evening was Michael Book from Valley Metro. Topic was the Light Rail Northwest Extension into Metro Center and security in Rail facilities. Also from Valley Metro were Don Schneidmiller, Bree Boehlke, and Tony Santana. Phoenix PD Transit Enforcement Lt. Schweikert who oversees a squad of16 officers who patrol over 4400 bus stops spoke of transit security issues. This squad made 1,080 arrests in 2020.

October 2020

Our guest this evening was Joan Campbell from the Maricopa County Attorney’s office.  Ms. Campbell presented on scams the office is seeing in today’s environment.  From the usual items being filed and prosecuted through COVID specific scams meant to defraud the public.

September 2020

This evening, Phoenix PD Employment Services Bureau Commander Charles Consolian addressed the Community on issues facing Police Recruiting in 2020.  Police Departments have faced many challenges over the past few years with the most recent being widespread protests and recent shootings by Police.  Commander Consolian also provided updates on recent crime trends in Phoenix.

March 2020


August 2020

All meetings were suspended in mid-March due to the emerging Coronavirus pandemic.  All meetings until this time were held in person in the Auditorium at the College America Campus at MetroCenter.  At the time none of the Citizens organizations had subscriptions to conferencing options like Zoom and WebEx.  By the time we figured it out the summer was nearly over.  Our September 2020 meeting was the first one using the virtual platforms.  Since that time our meetings have all been virtual. As of June 2021 we are on summer break.  We hope that beginning in September 2021 we can meet in person once again.

February 2020

Our guest this evening was Deputy Maricopa County Attorney Casey Mundell.  His presentation was regarding those who commit crimes against animals and how these often are a pre-cursor to the person moving on to more serious crimes against property and people.  He stressed that if you become aware of anyone regardless of their age committing abuse or crimes against animals they should be reported.

January 2020

Our presenter this evening was Sgt. Armando Hurtado of the Cactus Park Precinct Burglary Detail. Sgt. Hurtado spoke of importance of recording serial numbers of valuable items and to secure vehicles to deter ID theft.  If you see someone suspicious note clothing, and general appearance including any tattoos.  Call Crime Stop or 911 as appropriate.  Open garages are an invitation to those who would steal.

December 2019

Our annual Holiday Party was held in the College America Auditorium.  At this meeting any outstanding items from the prior year are discussed and resolved or voted on.  A potluck then followed.  Click HERE for some pictures taken that evening.